Swedish Massage

Swedish Massage


When you think of a classic massage, you’re actually thinking of a Swedish massage. It is the most commonly practised massage therapy and offers you a wonderful relaxing and rejuvenating experience. Here we cover all you need to know about this type of massage, and explain the Swedish massage benefits. So you can look forward to booking one of your own.

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Swedish massage is incredibly enjoyable. It is restorative, working with the muscles and soft tissues to provide calm and balance, and even have an overall effect on your wellbeing.

Being a classic massage, Swedish massage is often the foundation for many other treatments, and can also be mistaken for them.

At P&h Therapy Center, we have been using Swedish massage treatments  for many years and have had excellent results.

If you’d like to know whether Swedish massage could help you, why not book in to see one of the team.

Welcome to P& H Therapy Center! How can I help you? :)
