Slimming Massage

Slimming Massage


This is a vigorous and stimulating massage that is designed to target areas of cellulite. The therapist uses a special anti-cellulite cream, in combination with a range of kneading, rubbing, and pressing techniques that help to break up cellulite nodes.

Per 75 Min Session Price: 380 AED

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This therapy works especially well in combination with our Anti-Cellulite Seaweed Mud Wrap, as well as other therapies such as Manual Lymphatic Massage, or our Body Scrub.

Intensive slimming massage aimed to eliminate toxins and break down fat cells. Warm organic honey smoothes the skin, leaving it nourished, toned and glowing.

If you’d like to know whether slimming massage could help you, why not book in to see one of the team.

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